Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance

Netbulk understands and implements values of accountability, environmental responsibility and integrity at all levels. We are fully committed to the green and technology driven growth of the industry on all fronts as well as playing our part in the energy transition to low and zero-carbon sources. We are additionally looking to support and invest in companies and projects that are eco friendly.

We are committed to operating our business in a reliable, efficient and responsible way. We maintain a responsible compliance culture where all staff recognise personal and collective responsibility. As a trusted partner to our clients, our business is built on strong customer relationships and a proven track record of exceptional service.

NB Bytes, has taken a remarkable step towards sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint by embracing a green initiative. Recognizing the environmental impact of paper usage and wastage in their operations, NB Bytes has made a transformative shift from traditional paper-based to laptops, achieving a significant reduction in paper consumption and waste generation. This move not only promotes a greener and more sustainable work environment but also showcases their commitment to minimizing their ecological impact.